Coach charters for groups of all sizes
Timetables and routes
Scheduled services and coach charters from Oulu to Lapland and northern Norway
Good connections
We have millions of kilometres of experience of driving in Lapland. All our routes are planned with smooth connections and punctuality in mind. Just hop on board and enjoy the view!
Electricity and Wi-Fi
Thanks to our free Wi-Fi, you can pass the time by watching a film or doing some work on our coaches. Our vehicles are also equipped with power sockets to ensure that the battery of your device lasts for the entire journey.
Take your bicycle or pet with you
Take your bicycle or pet with you Eskelinen carries bicycles and pets, too. Pets travel on their owner’s lap or in the footwell. Our customer service team is happy to help you if you have any questions about travelling with your pet.
Check prices.
Air-conditioned coaches
Be it freezing cold or burning hot outside, Eskelinen coaches always offers a comfortable ambient temperature. All our vehicles are heated and have effective air-conditioning systems to ensure your journey is as pleasant as possible.
Our experienced drivers and reliable fleet, with safety belts on each seat, ensure safe travel in all weather conditions at all hours of the day, every day of the year.
Friendly personnel
We take pride in offering you a comfortable journey. Our skilled personnel are at your service to ensure you have a save, enjoyable trip.